We are pleased to announce that we have recently added eleven new young people to our Alumni program, as a result of the most recent graduation for Ladder's Step Up Latrobe Valley program.

At the start of the program, each participant identified and established personal goals to pursue. Through a combination of positive group dynamics and mutual support, all participants were able to successfully complete the program and develop lasting connections with one another.

Before Ladder I had no motivation to get out of bed, but Ladder has given me a reason to. The fun learning activities and making new friends were a huge part of that” – Sharni, program participant

Of the eleven graduates from this program:

  • Five young people have made the decision to return to school in 2024. Of these, two are also actively searching for part-time employment opportunities. Additionally, there is one graduate who has chosen to pursue a vocational education and training (VET) course, and another who has enrolled in a Technical and Further Education (TAFE) course.
  • One graduate has demonstrated their interest by applying for multiple job opportunities. They have also expressed the desire to commence a TAFE course in the upcoming year.
  • Another graduate has successfully completed a work experience placement at a primary school. They have decided to begin their TAFE studies while simultaneously working part-time.
  • Four young people are currently still in the process of seeking employment opportunities. They are receiving ongoing support from their Ladder Development Coaches and participating in Ladder's augmented Reconnect program.

The young people celebrated their graduation in front of their family and friends and local stakeholders who have supported the Ladder program including the Latrobe Valley Authority. 

It was a great and humbling honour to be able to attend the recent graduation of Program 28 at Ladder. To witness a wonderful group of graduates who have grown throughout the program and are now looking forward to embracing their future, be it in study, work or pursuing personal goals. We always leave these events feeling uplifted and a sense of optimism for the young people and future of our region. – Team at Latrobe Valley Authority 

It has been a wonderful way to end the year and we look forward to seeing them continue to kick goals into the new year. 

The next Step Up Latrobe Valley program will commence in February 2024. To learn more about the program and to make a referral, click here.