As part of the Ladder Step Up programs, Development Coaches teach young people independent living skills and in this week's Step Up Sydney program group session, they hosted a nutrition and cooking session. The selected menu was spaghetti bolognaise and garlic bread, a quick and easy meal to make, while also being cost effective.

The young people were first taught proper food hygiene, then how to safely chop and dice ingredients. They took turns pouring, stirring and tasting the cooking as it cooked.

We also discussed portioning single serves of pasta and how to measure it. The young people also prepared their garlic bread from scratch.

Lastly, the young people were taught the "clean as you go" method and took initiative and divided the work amongst themselves.

The cooking session was a great success and not only did they learn how to prepare a meal, but they also learnt how to play a role and work as a team.

After they prepared and ate their meal together, the young people were already making suggestions on what they wanted to cook next time and even offered to teach their own recipes with the group.