Step Up Sydney become job ready with Skillsroad As part of the Step Up Sydney program, Ladder supports young people with job readiness. Recently we welcomed Skillsroad to the program to provide some additional support for our young people in learning about their career pathways.This session enabled young people to think about what employment opportunities are available to them and the processes to take to gain employment.The young people completed a career quiz with a series of questions which resulted in a variety of career paths, tailored to each individual’s needs and skillset. There were also provided with study options to enable them to gain employment in their relevant fields.Ladder staff and the facilitator showed the young people how to construct an effective resume and how to modify it to specific jobs. They also discussed how to prepare for a job interview and how to better your chances of gaining employment.The young people found the career quiz extremely helpful and asked lots of questions and made lots of notes throughout the session. "This was so helpful. After this session I definitely need to go back to my resume and make some adjustments!" – Program participant Manage Cookie Preferences