Noah recently graduated from the Ladder Step Up program in Latrobe Valley and will continue to be supported through our Alumni program.

Despite Noah’s initial hesitation to participate in the program, they decided to challenge themself, step out of their comfort zone and give the program a go. At the beginning Noah was very reserved and was unsure on what they wanted to do with regards to an education or employment pathway. Throughout the program, Ladder Development Coaches noticed that Noah really came out of their comfort zone and was open to trying new things. One of those was attending the gym for the first time during the program. Noah began enjoying exercise and made significant improvements to their health over the course of the program. “I enjoyed going to the gym, I started doing the leg press and ended up doing over 200kg on the leg press!”

Noah mentioned that through the sessions, Ladder had helped them gain confidence in themself and in social settings.

Noah really enjoyed their mock interview experience. The ANZ mentors not only worked with Noah to prepare them for job interviews, but they also helped identify potential job opportunities that Noah would be interested in. One suggested occupation was to become a night fill worker at a supermarket and Noah liked this idea.

Post program, Ladder will continue to support Noah to achieve their short-term employment goal of becoming a night fill worker and will assist Noah in obtaining a tax file number and bank account. Noah didn’t have the support or knowledge to take these important steps prior to the program and is looking forward to making their first steps towards gaining employment. Noah’s long term goal is to be an Arborist.

“Job interviews are easier than what I thought, and Ladder has prepared me well for interviews in the future”.

Noah is also exploring education opportunities to assist with gaining long-term employment in the future. Noah is looking at completing a TAFE certificate in General Education as they did not complete their high schooling years and is looking to gain fundamental studying skills.

We are so proud to see Noah become more confident in themself and use the skills and knowledge they learned from the program to continue to kick goals after the program.