Ladder increases young people’s job readiness at the Salvation Army’s Tools for the Trade program Since early 2021, Ladder has delivered sessions as part of the Salvation Army’s Tools for the Trade program. This hands-on program engages young people and works with them to explore their passions for an industry or trade. The program has a focus on helping young people develop their general life and social engagement skills. Ladder recently delivered a session to program participants on preparing for a job interview. The session covered the process of an actual interview and what employers look for in an interviewee. This was followed by mock interviews and some S.M.A.R.T. goal planning. The young people engaged well and participated positively in the mock interviews. They were open and honest with answering questions asked of them and also asked questions if they were unsure. After this, an exercise on “listening to hear” was delivered by Ladder staff which is both important in an interview setting as well as a great life skill to have. Thanks to the team at the Salvation Army and participants who were fantastic to work with. The Salvation Army’s Tools for the Trade program is just one of a range of community partnerships that sees Ladder deliver specific content to programs delivered by other organisations. Manage Cookie Preferences