Ladder helped Damien find confidence and motivation to find employment Damien, 16-years-old, was referred to Ladder by his mother, Emma, who had heard about Ladder through a friend. Damien was lacking direction and motivation to attend school. Damien felt that returning to school was not the right path for him, but he was unsure of his next steps. Damien’s main goal when referred into the program was to identify his next steps in education, training or employment.Like most of the young people entering the Step Up program, Damien was hesitant about the program and how it was going to help him. He was a little shy and softly spoken when he first started the program.Damien quickly came out of his shell and made friends with the other participants. Damien was willing to go outside his comfort zone, try new things and give everything a go. By the end of the program the Ladder staff could see social benefits the program had on Damien, resulting in higher self-esteem and confidence in himself.Once he commenced the specific part of the program focusing on job readiness, resume writing, mock interviews, interview processes, and job searches, it was a turning point for Damien. He was excited, fully engaged and highly motivated and wanted to learn as much as he could to prepare himself for future employment opportunities. “The program was exciting, helpful and motivating. I enjoyed meeting new people. It has helped me learn about jobs and how to do job applications.” During the program, Damien created a professional resume, along with a SEEK account, and applied for a range of jobs in his local area with an end goal to gain full time employment in the near future. Ladder staff will continue to support Damien as an Alumni and assist him on his employment journey. Manage Cookie Preferences