How Kirsty found a job after participating in the Ladder Step Up Sydney program Kirsty first joined the Ladder Step Up Sydney program in late August, a time when many young people like herself were trying to overcome the challenges of lockdown.She was very quick to engage in the online sessions with Ladder Development Coaches and the other program participants.Kirsty built solid connections with everyone, which made for an easy transition coming out of lockdown when she could participate in face-to-face sessions.She had recently moved from one residential placement to her current placement and was not engaged in school, or work but had set a goal to save for a car.Together with her Development Coach, Kirsty worked through one-on-one sessions on communication skills, resume writing, career pathways, job searching, and personal finance.Through her hard work and new motivation, Kirsty successfully gained employment whilst still participating in the core program.Kirsty was very quick to tell her Development Coach, who was so proud of all the work she had put in.Her Development Coach supported her in completing the necessary employment forms and taking them to her new workplace.Kirsty is enjoying her new job and is now working most days of the week.She continues to stay connected with her Development Coach for a check-in from time to time.We wish Kirsty all the best for her new job and will continue to support her along the way. Manage Cookie Preferences