“Graduating from the Ladder program means that I’m moving on to the next part of my life.” Another wonderful group of young people recently graduated from our Step Up program and will be joining the 220+ Ladder program alumni members in the Latrobe Valley.Over the course of the 6-week program, participants engaged in a number of Ladder Development Programs (LDPs) relating to independent living skills, health and wellbeing, education, employment and training and community connections. “I’m proud of doing my resume. It makes me feel good having a proper resume to send to people.” – program participant“I enjoyed the session on Mental Health. I’ve learned some strategies to help deal with those sorts of things.” – program participant The young people also participated in a number of engaging and meaningful activities including volunteering at Morwell Neighbourhood House and improving their health with regular fitness sessions at Reclink. These experiences are key to building community connections and increasing the wellbeing of our young people.Many young people join the Ladder program for several different reasons and identify their own goals at the commencement of the program, to work towards. “My goal at the start of the program was to get out into the community and to be out of the house. Ladder helped me by running activities during the day that I could attend and really enjoyed” – program participant“My goal was getting closer to getting a job. Ladder helped me with setting up a Seek account and writing up my resume.” – program participant Learning new skills, getting out of their comfort zone and working towards their employment, education and training pathways have been just some of the achievement’s participants are so proud of accomplishing from the program.We would like to congratulate all the participants for graduating from our program and we look forward to continuing to support them in their journeys. “Graduating from the Ladder program means that I’m moving on to the next part of my life.” – program participant We would also like to thank all the local organisations and businesses who have provided work experience opportunities and employment pathways for our young people. Manage Cookie Preferences