Another wonderful group of young people recently graduated from our Step Up program in the Latrobe Valley.

Over the course of the 6-week program, participants engaged in a number of Ladder Development Programs (LDPs) relating to independent living skills, health and wellbeing, education, employment and training (EET) and community connections. 

The young people also participated in a number of engaging and meaningful activities with each other including volunteering at Morwell Neighbourhood House and improving their health with regular fitness sessions at Reclink. They also attended Jumbuk Park and were able to switch off from their phones for the day to participate in activities such as kayaking and archery. 

“Ladder has helped me break out of my comfort zone and helped me to find confidence to engage in society.”  – Jess, program participant 

The goal of this group was to work on their employment pathways. Our Ladder Development Coaches worked with each young person to understand their strengths and support them to pursue their employment goals.

"They have helped me develop my resume and find employment.” – Jess, program participant

As a result, two participants commenced work experience in Bricklaying the week after graduating from the program. One participant gained employment at a local meat wholesaler, another recommenced employment at a local nursery and garden supplies retailer and two participants returned to school, resulting in 84% of graduating participants achieving their EET goals.

“Thanks for all the help guys, you have really helped me understand what I am capable of.  Thank you so much.” – Liam, program participant