Ladder’s mission is to provide a safe and engaging environment in which young people can build the agency, confidence, and skills to achieve their self-identified goals, thrive in life and become contributing members of their communities. Research shows a direct correlation between participation in education and employment and the wellbeing of a young person. Recently six young people graduated from the Ladder Step Up Latrobe Valley program, bringing the total number of programs delivered to 202!

This fantastic group of young people completed the 6-week program and worked tirelessly with their Ladder Development Coaches to increase their independent living skills, community connection, health and wellbeing and education, employment and training readiness. For this particular group, enrolment in TAFE course or securing employment were identified as their primary goals. Ladder Development Coaches ensured that the program content was tailored to meet these goals, while ensuring participants developed confidence in themselves and were encouraged to step outside their comfort zones.

“I’ve definitely learned how to socialise more and open myself up to a significant amount of people, especially people I’ve never met before” – Program participant

Some of the outcomes for participants post program include:

  • Meeting with representatives from the local TAFE to hear about specific courses, with two young people starting the application process for a TAFE course. 
  • With the support of Gippsland Employment and Skill Training (GEST), two young people met with a local construction company about gaining some hands-on work experience. 
  • The group will also be visiting local employers with the resumes they developed in the program, as they look for some seasonal retail work in the coming weeks.

Congratulations to all and we look forward to continuing to support you as alumni to continue to kick your education, training and employment goals.